Design Your
Online Financial Education Course for Divorced or Divorcing Women. Start anytime!
Transition from divorce to financial independence
Are you divorced or divorcing and lacking the financial confidence and know how? You’re not alone. The Wife2CFO - Design Your Destiny online course was created to help educate women in managing their wealth and protect their financial well-being during and after divorce.
An Online Financial Coaching Program for Women
The Wife2CFO - Design Your Destiny online course is the brain-child of Certified Divorce Financial Analyst® and Financial Planner Michelle Smith. In a warm and responsive, part video part live-coaching environment, Michelle breaks down important financial concepts into manageable bite-sized pieces, and skillfully guides participants toward understanding and learning how to manage their wealth.
Facing financial matters directly breaks the cycle of confusion and fear around money that's common to divorced or divorcing women.
Combined with the connection of a powerful community of like-minded women, participants leave this journey feeling empowered, confident, competent, and ready for an independent, abundant future.

Michelle Smith has been a financial advisor for over 25 years and a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst® since 2004. She has helped thousands of women understand their financial options as they navigate divorce.
What past participants say about the course:
The course provides a fresh lens to look at the ‘why’ behind our financial decisions and understanding tradeoffs, as well as the impact of action and inaction! Now that I’ve implemented a system that’s working, it’s saving me so much time and giving me the data to make more strategic decisions. Through talking this out and taking action while I had support during the course, it removed an emotional block with money that had been holding me back.
Christine S.
Wife2CFO has meant a lot to me and I am so grateful the google ad gods sent me your ad! I’ve gone through two marriages and was feeling financially (and emotionally) devastated. Michelle has given me the knowledge to bravely take control of my financial future, and now I feel empowered about this next chapter in my life. Thanks for EVERYTHING!
Karen R.
Christine S. and Karen R. are current clients of Source Financial Advisors, LLC. These testimonials were selected by Source Financial Advisors, LLC from several given, and therefore, these testimonials are not representative of all Source Financial Advisors, LLC clients. For a representative sample of testimonials, please click here.

Meet Michelle Smith -
Your advocate, ally, and advisor
Michelle Smith, CEO and founder of Source Financial Advisors and Wife2CFO is a well-known pioneer in the field of divorce financial strategy. She has been a financial advisor for over 25 years and a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst® since 2004. She has helped thousands of women understand their financial options as they navigate divorce. She is a passionate advocate for women’s financial literacy and developed an educational program and platform, Wife2CFO, for women who want to design their financial future during or post-divorce.
What You'll Learn In the Program:

One of the most inspirational aspects is the transformative impact of taking (back) control. Both the education you provide and seeing other divorced women living expansive, abundant lives, inspire me to step further and further outside of my scarcity mentality into more of a badass-boss-CFO mindset.
Margie J.
Thank you again for changing my relationship with money. I am so glad our paths have crossed. You are so empowering and I already sit a little taller. I am excited and ready to become financially literate and take the driver's seat of my financial future.
Kasey O.
I’d heard about Michelle’s Wife2CFO course. I thought getting female-focused financial education during my transition would be enriching. It turned out to be an incredibly empowering decision... My overall confidence has really increased, which bleeds over into other areas of life too. The course has had a profoundly positive impact in a way I hadn’t anticipated.
Christine S.
Christine S. Margie J and Kasey O. are current clients of Source Financial Advisors, LLC. These testimonials were selected by Source Financial Advisors, LLC from several given, and therefore, these testimonials are not representative of all Source Financial Advisors, LLC clients. For a representative sample of testimonials, please click here.
The Course Modules
Six, one-hour video sessions with handouts | Two private one-on-one calls with Michelle| One group coaching call
One-On-One with Michelle

Whether you wish to bust through past financial barriers, conquer lingering fears, or finally feel in financial control, this call will help you:
•Set yourself up for success
•Find your confidence
•Identify past roadblocks
•Articulate your desires and goals
•Hit the ground running with an immediate boost of clarity and confidence
Getting Financially Organized

Procrastination is the by-product of not knowing how or where to start. This session will help you confront head-on where you feel financially disorganized.
We tackle common concerns experienced at the beginning of this journey that can cause feelings of being overwhelmed, anxious and flustered. We dive into ways of understanding what you have and help you set yourself up for organizational success with some of our proprietary tracking spreadsheets and systems. We tackle the ever-expanding universe of tech apps that aim to bring order to your finances.
Setting your financial foundation on solid organizational soil is a key to feeling in control and steadied.
Key Financial Topics & Terms

Knowing key financial terms and concepts ensures your financial foundation starts solid. The overuse of arcane terminology and acronyms can make the most confident woman feel marginalized and incapacitated. Demystifying financial jargon is a key step on the path to becoming the CFO of your life. Leave this session with a sense of pride and the courage to know that the only stupid thing about a question is the person that makes you feel stupid by asking it.
Understanding and Managing Risk

Every solid financial plan has an offense and a defense. Identifying known risks is the best offense. But how do you create a defense (risk management plan) for risks that are unknown? This session brings awareness to the unknown risks in your life. There's a lot more than just insuring your home, health, life, and valuables. Among other things, your investment plan should match your individual capacity and tolerance for risk. Risk does not equal reckless when we become aware vs. being afraid.
Group Check-In with Michelle

Ask Michelle anything and learn what your fellow Wife2CFO members are experiencing with a complimentary pass to one of Michelle's monthly live-coaching sessions.
About Investing Timing and Returns

This session offers investment strategies and concepts that allow you to make financial moves at your own pace, with balanced approaches to mentally ease you into a long-term plan. Trying to predict the ‘right’ time to invest is an impossible goal. There is no secret or perfect strategy that is right all the time. We find reasons in appreciating and depreciating markets to sit it out and wait for a 'better time'. That often feels 'safest', especially if we are new to being in control of our money. We know one thing: your starting experience as an investor can dictate for years how you will approach and react. So let's exit the prediction business and enter the strategic business by learning about techniques that make sense for you and where you are on the financial journey.
Behavioral Potholes and How to Avoid Them

Personal finance is guided by how we behave. Behavior cannot be taught. It must be recognized in order to avoid the behavioral finance potholes that can derail your plan and decision-making process. There are no hard and fast rules that ensure one investor's success over another. In this session, we explore how rational people can sometimes make irrational decisions when it comes to their money. The voices heard in our head from our financial history can sabotage our ability to grow our wealth and feel in control. Let's quiet the noise and learn how to course-correct, together, in session seven
When Your Portfolio Becomes Your Paycheck

When alimony and child support ends, your portfolio becomes your paycheck. The fear of running out of money is real and can be terrifying. Forging a clear path for lifelong financial security can alleviate this fear. ‘Stress-testing’ your plan annually adds another layer of comfort. In this session, we deepen your understanding of how to create a sustainable rate of withdrawal from your assets so that your money outlasts inflation, taxes, and you. A more in-depth understanding of asset allocation and determining a balanced way to invest will help you feel more self-reliant and confident in your ‘money-ability’.
Final One-On-One with Michelle

This 30-minute personal Wife2CFO wrap-up call will offer you the opportunity to make your going-forward game plan with Michelle. Whether it be revisiting key concepts or mapping out your next steps in order to cement what you learned in the course, you'll move ahead with a healthy, confident attitude toward your money and take your place among the financially aware Wife2CFO alumnae.
Maintain Connection with a Powerful Community

- Wife2CFO alumna represent a strong network of inspiring and financially empowered women united by shared experience.
- Exclusive events offer opportunities to recharge, revitalize, and revisit personal growth in a supportive environment.
- Enjoy an ongoing connection with the Wife2CFO community.

If you have any questions about the program, please email us at, or click here to schedule a complimentary call with Michelle
About Michelle Smith
Divorce Mediator, Certified Divorce Financial Analyst®
Regular contributor to national and financial media
Co-authored "Divorce and Your Finances" for Wachovia Securities
Helped thousands of women understand their financial options as they take control of their own destiny.
I am inspired by Michelle and her incredible team, who always make me feel competent and confident.
Molly C.
“Parts of Wife2CFO ‘blew my mind.’
Kasey O.
Molly C and Kasey O. are current clients of Source Financial Advisors, LLC. These testimonials were selected by Source Financial Advisors, LLC from several given, and therefore, these testimonials are not representative of all Source Financial Advisors, LLC clients. For a representative sample of testimonials, please click here.
Common Questions About the Course:
We certainly want to help! If you are lacking the organization, confidence, transparency, and know-how around your finances (no matter if you're married, divorcing, or divorced), then you 100% belong. Because if you're NOT already feeling clarity around knowing how your money is spent, invested, deposited, and/or where all the key financial information lives, how can you get into the driver's seat around things that affect how you’ll live for the rest of your life?
We want to make this easy for you. After you pay, and sign a legal client agreement, you will be directed to an online portal (web address) where you will access the library of proprietary course video sessions, bonus materials, and complimentary worksheets.
Absolutely! We encourage you to take your time, on your own time, and at your own speed. Please view, digest, and work with all the materials to be provided. One of the keys to success behind Wife2CFO is to spend additional time putting the video and material sessions to actual real-life use, to help you become the CFO of your life!
Within the Wife2CFO online portal that you will automatically be directed to, you will see a link to easily schedule your one-on-ones with founder of Wife2CFO, Michelle Smith.
That’s my claim to fame. I know how to work around that very thing. I’ve got you!
Wife2CFO is an offering from Source Financial Advisors, an SEC registered investment adviser. It is our obligation to disclose this information to you. When you become a Wife2CFO client, it is required for you to sign a legal client agreement, in order to establish the formal and accountable relationship with you operating in full transparency.
Absolutely! Please email us at and share a little bit about your inquiry. Or, you can use this link to schedule a private zoom appointment with Michelle.

If you have any questions about the program, please email us at, or click here to schedule a complimentary call with Michelle
Source Financial Advisors
545 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1108
New York, NY 10017
© 2024 Source Financial Advisors, LLC. All rights reserved