We are pleased to announce
Source Financial Advisors and the Wife2CFO program have joined
Savant Wealth Management

Your divorce has cost you enough already. Facing financial matters directly breaks the cycle of confusion and fear around money that's common to divorced or divorcing women. Work with Divorce Mediator and Certified Divorce Financial Analyst® Michelle Smith to navigate the complex matters of finance before, during, or after your divorce.
With Michelle at your side, together we'll organize your financial life, review documents, implement settlements, craft short and long-term financial plans, and help you acquire the tools, systems, and education necessary to take control. You will emerge feeling clear, confident, and prepared for an independent future.

Meet Michelle Smith -
Your advocate, ally, and advisor
Michelle Smith, CEO and founder of Source Financial Advisors, is a well-known pioneer in the field of divorce financial strategy. She has been a financial advisor for 30 years and a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst® since 2004. She has helped thousands of women understand their financial options before, during, and after divorce. She is a passionate advocate for women’s financial literacy and developed an educational program and platform, Wife2CFO™, for women who want to design their financial future post-divorce.
Work with Michelle
One-on-One, custom-tailored support with Michelle and the Wife2CFO team
Wife2CFO white glove service: Work one on one with Michelle, online or in person, where together you'll tailor a custom program that addresses your individual needs.

Wife2CFO Alumnae
One of the most inspirational aspects is the transformative impact of taking (back) control. Both the education you provide and seeing other divorced women living expansive, abundant lives, inspire me to step further and further outside of my scarcity mentality into more of a badass-boss-CFO mindset.
Margie J.
Thank you again for changing my relationship with money. I am so glad our paths have crossed. You are so empowering and I already sit a little taller. I am excited and ready to become financially literate and take the driver's seat of my financial future.
Kasey O.
I’d heard about Michelle’s Wife2CFO course. I thought getting female-focused financial education during my transition would be enriching. It turned out to be an incredibly empowering decision... My overall confidence has really increased, which bleeds over into other areas of life too. The course has had a profoundly positive impact in a way I hadn’t anticipated.
Christine S.
Christine S., Margie J., and Kasey O. are current clients of Source Financial Advisors, LLC. These uncompensated testimonials were selected by Source Financial Advisors, LLC from several given, and therefore, these testimonials are not representative of all Source Financial Advisors, LLC clients. For a representative sample of testimonials, please click here.
Source Financial Advisors
545 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1108
New York, NY 10017
© 2024 Source Financial Advisors, LLC. All rights reserved